Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 5 - Back in Fukushima, yeah!

Edit - Forgot to mention for my friends who went to the old bar that the boss has moved  close to Juso station which no one could find on the train map last night but apparently its a bit out of the way. No one knows the name of the new bar so I can`t be stuffed finding a needle in a haystack. I suppose I could go find the sister if she`s still working at the same place.....

Edit 2 - Forgot that I bframe5 actually sent me a picture of Non-chan from the snack in Yokkaichi.

Bframe5`s Love Plus Arcade pictures. Hope I didn`t sully his name.

Heading towards JR Yokkaichi.

Wouldn`t you like to live in a house like this.

Waiting for the JR train to take me to Nagoya and then to Osaka. Freaking slow as train. Kintetsu is faster but since I have my JR pass. Might consider using Kintetsu next time.

Lots of rice fields on the way to Osaka.

Note to self, find out who she is.

Back in Fukushima!!!!!

Tsukemen for lunch!!! Fucking awesome. Why don`t we have this in Melbourne!

NMB48 not that I really care. Came across it by taking a different route to Den Den Town.

Went to Nipponbashi aka Den Den Town after that. Actually tried to go to Zepp Osaka to get familiar with the route before going to a live next week but sort of got lost. Will try again tomorrow.

Went to this maid cafe for dinner. Crap service and the girls not too good but it was cheap. 1100 yen for chicken basket and ice coffee. Hurray for my katakana reading skills! Thinking of trying another maid cafe for lunch tomorrow. :)

Went to Taito Nambo for some SSF4. Went to Athena arcade before that and couldn`t even find an SF4 machine. Lots of Melty Blood and that lan like Gundam game players. Went on a tear and managed to beat B level Makoto and Ryu player. Feeling pretty good and then a B level Gen player beat me twice. I play Gen as well but don`t have much idea how to fight him. He outfootsies Abel and can easily punish a block wheel kick with hands -> fadc etc. He was outfootsieing (sp) me the whole two games and I really need to learn to option select to not let him escape as getting in is hard. Problem is, Abel`s option select are either for backdash or vertical jump and it can be very painful if you choose the wrong one. I think I needed to play like a wall and slowly push him into a corner. Right I`m C+ or CC rank. Let`s see if I can push it to B by the end of my trip. Thanks to bframe5 for registering my user name.

Another pic from Den Den Town.

The walkway from Namba station to Nipponbashi station.

Now for the exciting part. Arrived back in Fukushima around 9.45 decided to head to the bar that me and the boys went to last year. Totally forgot the bar was at the top floor and not the second. Walked into the second floor bar and I was like, wait a minute,what happened to the bar I knew. And why are there 5 chicks serving the counter? Turns out it was a snack I since the girl at the door invited me in, why the hell not.

Taked to the first girl, did introductions etc etc and turns out she stayed in Melbourne for 3 months last year! And her English is pretty good! I`m thinking the power that be must have planned this shit for me! Had and awesome time at the snack. The two ojiisan next to me were very fun to talk to. Nothing impresses Japanese like gaijin that speaks Japanese and knows a lot about Japanese entertainment. The only thing missing was karaoke which they had but there was only one screen in the middle of the bar and no one was really singing.

The boss of the place actually went to Sabah before. (its north of my hometown in Malaysia) Lots of interesting conversations including Hokuto no Ken, the customers and snack girls trying their English, Kyabakura and how Japanese entertainment is idol based. It is a joy to meet girls who are not fans of Johnnys or Korean dudes. Actually I was planning to not stay overnight in Osaka for a concert next week but after discovering this awesome snack, I`m tempted to stay overnight. Problem would be if I did a lot of shopping I would have to carry it all the way to Osaka and back to Tokyo.

English speaking girl is not working tomorrow unfortunately. There was a cute girl called Megumi (I think) who`s birthday was tomorrow. One cool dude next to me who`s name I have now forgotten gave her a shawl for a present. Should have stayed until midnight but I was shown the bill for 9000 yen after my second hour and thought that was what I owed them. Turns out its what I would have to pay for the third hour and I only had to pay 6000 yen. Why didn`t I say I would stay another hour! Fucking stupid idiot. And I should have asked whether I could take a picture!

Gah, will definitely fucking go back tomorrow. Too bad English speaking girl doesn`t yet know her work schedule for next week. If I decide to stay in Osaka Friday and Saturday next week, that would mean I have to leave all my shopping for Sunday. Hhhmm, I`ll see how much fun I have tomorrow. Question is do I go for more SF at Taito Namba or try Sega Joypolis? Need to find a nice snack to go to in Tokyo. I wonder if Iino would know any? I think instead of figures, I will be spending most of my money this trip on snacks, lol.

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