Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day 11 Osaka!

AKB48 Tokyo pasuterusando? being sold at train station.

Yes, smoking carriage was available. The blue Nakama Yukie poster you see on the far side asks would you quit smoking for love? Nakama Yukie with boobs, yes.

Tonkatsu box for train ride.

Good old Fukushima shopping district.

Osaka station.

Pokemon store.

That cap looks familiar.

Tracks at Osaka station.

Coco Ichiban curry close to Osaka station. Actually its probably closer to Umeda. Don`t even know where one ends and the other begins.

The cheese katsu curry has become one of my favourite things to eat. The omori portion (pictured is regular) is bloody filling.

Outlet for charging. Awesome idea.

Finola singing outside Osaka station. I just had to buy the cd. Lots of talented musicians performing at outside Shinjuku and Osaka station. I bought a cd from a singer last year outside Ikebukuro station listened to it and wasn`t impressed saw her before a day or two before day 11 outside Shinjuku and live is better. Didn`t stop for a listen then because I was going for some SF.

Will definitely listen when I get back.

After that, I was off to gift and I already wrote about that.

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