Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Japan day 17 part 2 and days 18+19

Two days of being stuck in airplanes and airports and I nearly missed my connecting flight from Brisbane to Melbourne cause I feel asleep next to the gate entrance with my earphones on. Luckily some dude woke me up cause they had started calling people for another flight. I was ran to the gate thinking 'am I in some sort of dark comedy where everything goes wrong?'. The Qantas lady at the gate knew my name cause she's probably been announcing it for the last 5 minutes said that I was the last person. Lesson learned; do not use earphones while waiting for flight. Managed to get back and my brother turns up looking for presents after I told him I would be very tired. After he left, had 12 hours of sleep and I'm probably going to go back to sleep after this. Time to continue the recap of my Japan trip.

DAY 17 PT 2

After the Mano Erina concert, it was time to go watch X-Men First Class. Went to Osaka Central City which is this huge building just on top of Osaka Station.

Another view of Osaka Central City. The ticket was 1500 yen which is like Melbourne price. Pretty good movie, not flawless but its the first X-Men movie that really captured the X-Men as a group feel. The actress for Emma Frost though is really bad.

Had ramen at Yodobashi after the movie for dinner and it was off to Gift.

Me and regular customer Suguru-san who was always eager to join in my looking things up on the phone. Went to Fukushima station and ran into Megumi and Chihiro who were outside passing out flyers. I was thinking I don't want any more customers! I like the snack being pretty quiet with 6 girls! Chihiro looks at me excitedly and said that Yukiko was working tonight! Woot! For those who don't know, Yukiko is the English speaking girl who works at Gift. Went back to backpackers to check for e-mail from Inno and then to Gift!

With Yukiko in the middle. Regular Take (I think) was there and he bought donuts for everyone. I sang Ohyama Yurika's Sayonara and joined Take for Ozaki Yutaka's I Love You. Got Suguru-san to join me for Subaru and Kokoro mou yo. The girls were looking at me like wtf is this gaijin who knows old Japanese songs. Stayed only 3 hours and should have gone on. So many Japanese oldies I want to sing. And I completely forgot about Scandal's Hello Goodbye. Need to find Japanese karaoke in Melbourne.

DAY 18

They had replace Ryu ga gotoku with.... pokemon??!!! You can see the top of the giant pikachu in the middle.

On Sunday, pedestrians can walk the streets.

Not many cosplayers though.

Maid chick running with Miku to take a picture with Len and Rin. Should have asked Len to take a picture of me with Miku, Rin and maid. Gaaaahh.

Meet up with Iino at around four and we went to Club Taito in Shinjuku. Completely destroyed by his Yang. Then we went for tsukemen. Unfortunate, I was really sick and couldn't finish my tsukemen. :( I think I got sick cause my body knew that the end was near.

Then we went out for some beer and sushi.

DAY 19

Basically spent the afternoon arguing in my head over whether to go for another maid cafe. In the end decided not to because I had spent a lot more than I had planned for already.

And I bloody realised that I had not bought my Shining Wind Maxima figure yet! Spent the afternoon running all over Akiba and couldn't find it! The only one I found was on display at K-books and it was not for sale! Gah, no time to take the train to Nakano and back. Maybe leaving shopping for last isn't a good thing.

Bought some stuff at Yellow submarine which is two floors above Kotobukiya. Not much selection but really cheap prices!

This building opposite Maidreaming had just opened.

Gonna miss this view outside the backpackers.

Taking the train to Narita airport. Next post will have lots and lots of t-shirts.

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