Thursday, January 15, 2009

Triangle ep 1

OMFG, where do I even begin? Let's talk casting; Eguchi Yosuke + Hirosue Ryoko = instant win! Its funny that Eguchi Yosuke seems like a different actor from when he was in Hitotsu Yane no Shita. I hope one day Harorangers will finish subbing Tobosha. After Hirosue Ryoko was seriously miscast in Yasuko to Kenji, I really want to see her in something good. Not concerned with Inagaki Goro since I haven't seen his other works which is pretty surprising, since I've seen so much of KimuTaku and Kusanagi Tsuyoshi stuff. He plays the earnest good guy detective who is more representative of the audience's viewpoint so there's not much acting required.

Mop Guy obviously disappointed no gaijin girls at the party.

How's this for supporting cast; Aibu Saki, Tanihara Shosuke aka Mop Guy and Sasaki Kuranosuke aka Mr Giragira. Not to forget Manpyo Daisuke from Karei naru Ichizoku who's probably played the father character to most of SMAP by now. This is freaking all star casting with acting abilities to boot. I was a bit concerned with the show's budget every time a new character showed up. If Hero proved anything, it was that big names + crap story and characters does not equal good show, despite what ratings say.

Hope this show erases Yasuko to Kenji from my memory.

I'm glad to say that the first episode of Triangle is good. The one show that is sort of similar to Triangle is Byakuyako, and that's a good thing. Triangle is a mystery dorama, about an murder that happened in the characters' childhood. I won't spoil anything here but suffice to say, nothing is what it seems. I thought I had the basic plot of the story figured out when I was watching episode one and was thinking of how they would make it interesting when at the end of it, they hit you with a revelation that throws any assumptions I had about the plot out the window.

WTF is that around her neck? Someone in wardrobe must pay!

A good first episode is one that hits you hard at the end and makes you come back for more. The truth doesn't matter as long as the journey to the end is exciting and there are no sacrifices in logic for the sake of story. I am trying to keep my expectations a bit low here because Bloody Monday pissed me off to no end. The more potential a jdorama has, the more I want to see it succeed. But then, this is the mystery genre which I think the Japanese are pretty good at with such shows as One Million Stars, Sleeping Forest, Midnight Rain and most recently, Scandal.

My what big eyes you have!

But WTF is Kita Yoshio in this show playing another cop after Scandal? I know he's a good actor and all but surely there are other 50+ actors out there. Who deserve and need work. Too much exposure is not a good thing. I know he usually rises above the supporting roles he plays but by seemingly appearing in every jdorama, he is in danger of being perceived as a prop and lose the ability to connect with the audience.

Yes, smoking is back in jdoramas! If 30% of Japanese smoke, 30% of jdorama characters should to!

Probably the best thing about Triangle is the revelation at the end of the first episode has made it more unpredictable and presents some interesting possible scenarios. Its all up to the writing to see whether the journey to the end of the mystery is an exciting one. I'm happy to give Triangle a go and so should you.

Don't worry, its not Eguchi Yosuke saying that line, or is it?

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