Thursday, September 25, 2008

Yasuko to Kenji ep 3-9

Masahiro Matsuoka's overacting killed this show. There is way too much overacting in jdoramas nowadays. Its the seemingly fail safe crutch. Act like an idiot, get a few laughs and hopefully no one will notice that you can't act. Except that Masahiro can act. He was excellent in Heaven Cannot Wait and you can see it in this series after Sakuraba sensei's identity is revealed. All of a sudden, he stops pulling stupid faces and screaming like a madman. His caricature of a yakuza slowly started to act more like a person than a lunatic.

Unfortunately, its way too late for Yasuko to Kenji. Tabe Mikako tried really hard to hold this show up. Too bad Kenji was so important to the storyline because everything he does is neither funny nor cool. I don't think I've even laughed while watching this show. I know I've groaned a lot at how stupid and repetitive a lot of the show is. Every episode is basically the same. Yasuko and Kenji fight, lots of unfunny incidents happen and somehow there's a fight in some abandoned warehouse somewhere.

Hirosue Ryoko is so miscast. I think they could have made it work for her if they tried to do a smarter script instead of going after the cheap laughs. And her brother in the show can't fucking act. Its so obvious that he can't even act natural in front of the camera. Seriously, I just can't believe I watched 9 episodes so far just for Hirosue Ryoko and Haruna. Some shows are just not worth it.

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