Sunday, December 31, 2006

Boku no Aruku Michi ep 11

Without a doubt the best show of the season. Slow at times, but everything builds to nice little moments. I wasn't crazy bout the show but I had a lack of interest in other doramas while waiting for the subs for the final episodes. (the lack of quality shows this season may have something to do with that as well) And this show proves that the Japanese should stay far away from fatal disease shows and sticl to shows about disabled ppl.

I love that Teruaki's brother is given more attention for the last episode. For me, his point of view is the most interesting of all the family members and I just wished they could have done one episode from his eyes. Its sucks that his wife suddenly became the model housewife though. A leopard does not change its spots.

Basically, I wished they could do more with all the other characters. The strength of this show is that the characters gain depth through their interactions with Teruaki and to me its more about the journeys that they go through rather than Teruaki's. And Teruaki's sis needs more screentime dammit.

Miyako-chan is hot. I blame my parents for my lack of a bijin osamanajimi. I just find her subdued acting somehow works very well with the tone of the show. There's a lot of repitition and routines but when things change a little, it speaks volumes. I'd love to see how she acts in other shows.

And the ending is excellent. Its got the KDO just another beginning feel but the conversation between Miyako and Megumi sorta gives a prediction of the future. Its a damn shame that not many people are watching this compared to crap like Tatta Hitotsu no Koi so if you're onlly watching one show this season make it Boku no Auruku Michi.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Bengoshi no Kuzu 9-12

Episode 9

Best one of the last 4 eps. Stories about human stubborness are fun because its a quirk something that everyone has. Mizuki trying to set up Kuzu with Tetsuko sensei is just what this show needs. They need to leave in the possibility that she's doing it to get Takeda to act. Sadly, the writers quickly killed it. :(

If this is prison life then I've got lotsa crimes to commit!

Episode 10

The self defence bit was interesting but the legal stuff is confusing. Don't they fucking have hearsay in Japanese courts.?!

Strategically placed cleavage. Guess what's Kuzu doing?

Episode 11

Another show about human stubborness and it just feels like a retread. The episode is saved by Sugimoto Aya's ample assets. Fellow sukebes will remember her as Enoki Tsuyako from Shimokita Glory Days. Kuzu lecturing in the end sucks. He's become like the Kinpachi sensei of bengoshis. However, the tease at the end about what the last episode could be left me excited.

Episode 12

Meh. The series goes out with a whimper.

There are only 2 reasons Hoshino Aki is on the show. Can you guess what they are?


The good: Kuzu is an interesting character as long as he isn't potrayed as a straight out good guy. He needs to be the shades of grey character. Lots of bijin guest stars.

The bad: No long running plot threads int the background. Poorly written legal 'conundrums'.

The ugly: The fat hostess is not funny. Inconsistent and pedestrian writing. Someone needs to watch American legal shows.

Kuzu: Sigh, despite the good acting by me, this show lacks good writers. We need to fire all the writers for season 2 and get Akiramike to write it.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Mitsuya Yoko - Siesta

Haven't downloaded gravures in ages but couldn't stop myself when I saw Mitsuya Yoko. Yes, the girl from ep 9 of KDO and ep 2 of Bengoshi no Kuzu. Maybe I'm just suffering from KDO withdrawal and am just jumping at anything that has any connection with the series. This is no different from the thousands of gravure vids out there. Plenty of standing around, crappy music and cleavage shots,

She just doesn't have the screen presence that Isoyama Sayaka has. Come to think of it, maybe she's such a memorable character in KDO cause I was rooting for Kuwano to root her. Her half closed eyes look in KDO is not very prevalent here and she does a bit of the Nacci faraway look and tilt the head a bit thingie.

So what have I learnt from this gravure vid? She's much hotter in doramas than in gravures. She's not slender enough and her oppais are not huge enough to compensate. Hope she continues to get supporting roles as she's still better than half of the supporting actresses out there. Anyone think Kuwano would have a chance if only he'd call back earlier?

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Sailor Fuku to Kikanju ep 2

This was my most anticipated series of the season for the following reasons:

1. Cute actress who can act - Nagsawa Masami

2. Good actor who can carry a show - Tsusumi Shinichi

3. Crazy concept that only the Japanese can pull off - high school girl becomes yakuza boss

Yes, I know what your thinking. Why didn't I go to high school in Japan?

Ep 1 was all right. Ep has me feeling very pessemistic about this show. Main problem is how they handled the main concept. Its a far fetched and fanciful idea. There's no logic to it. So there are only two ways to handle it. One is to make it a comedy. Think Mukodono/My Boss My Hero. Make the henchmen dumber and make Hoshi Izumi become the brains of Medaka gumi and slowly she reliases that she has the talent for yazuka work.

The problem with the show now its that there's barely any humour and they're trying to play it straight. Because of the tone of the show, introducing a joshi kosei as your kumicho looks damn fucking stupid. Instead of making me laugh, some scenes just make me cringe.

The other way to do the show would be to make it very dark and gritty. Make Hoshi Izumi hell bent on getting revenge for her father and every episode she does things even her father would never approve of. Think a better version of Byaku Yakou. And as the show progresses, she'll have to ask herself; is all this worth the revenge?

And I got so excited for nothing........

Right now, the show is not working. Hoshi Izumi is boring and useless. And ffs, they should have made her at least strip to her bra. What's with all that teasing? The non-strip is the ultimate letdown. I don't care that we had 1 second female nudity. We want Nagasawa Masami not some unknown jav actresses.

And the whole father-heroin thing is stupid. Did Sakuma mean her father was smuggling heroin? Producing? 3rd party distributor? Quality tester? Makes the packaging? Or just plain junkie?

40 years old and still hot. I like her potrayal the mysterious Mayumi in the show.

Actually watched ep 2 raw last week and the subs hardly improved the show. The only intruiging thing is Koizumi Kyoko who claims to have been her father's lover. Still, I'll probably watch it to the end just to see Hoshi Izumi go off and finally kill people.

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Bengoshi no Kuzu ep 8

Kuzu trying to flash poor Mizuki, lol.

The only reason that I'm not really crazy over this show is that the legal storylines are weak. Its more a show about solving real life issues than legal problems. Nevertheless, I had fun watching ep 8. I like the fact that Mizuki-chan has a story parallel to Kuzu case. She makes a much better sidekick than the incredibly boring Takeda san.

Unfortunately Hoshino Aki doesn't shoow off her cleavage this ep :(

Its just fun watching Kuzu encouraging Mizuki to cheat on tests and how he awkwardly tries to play father. Like tha part where he's shouting into Mrs Nezu's intercom. What he's telling Mrs Nezu is exactly what he wants to tell Mizuki but can't. Plus we get Kato sensei is starting to play mom to Kuzu's dad. Too bad they've seem to drop the whole Takeda-Kato storyline. Some triangle jealousy will make Takeda much more interesting.

Kuzu: coolest dad in the world.

Maybe have Kuzu be nonchalant about it and Mizuki trying to pull Kato sensei to Kuzu's side and Takeda having to resort to evil tactics. This show needs 1 or 2 background subplots cause right now the episodes are kinda hit and miss and having some continuing story makes it more worthwhile to watch.

Someone should get the Ishida sisters on the same dorama.

2nd best thing about this ep is Ishida Hikari and OMFG, she hasn't aged much since I last saw her in Asunaro Hakusho (1993) Its been 13 years and she still looks the same. The Ishida sisters must have a fountain of youth at home or something. In Asunaro, she's the girl next door and now she's the bjin hitozuma next door. :)

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