Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Shinya Shokudo ep 4

It is pretty sad that season 2 of Shinya Shokudo is not only the best but probably the only decent subbed jdorama this season, besides Last Money. I really like ep 4. Its a cheesy story about a struggling bento-ya Masashi who meets this prostitute Ikumi (Ito Ayumi who I last saw in Solanin) but its executed in such a masterful way that I just have to tip my hat to the writer.

Episode is an exercise of telling a simple story effectively in 20 minutes. With a few lines out dialogue to the other customers, Masashi gets to introduce himself to the audience, tell us a bit about his history and this exposition is invisible because he does it in the process of complaining about his new colleague. The dialogue is natural and before the audience even blinks, they know who this character Masashi is and what he does.

I like the cameo from the kara-age girl.

Next, we have Ikumi coming into the diner and master telling the audience that Ikumi's choice of food is nikogori, which is hardened fish stock on rice. Masashi seems interested in Ikumi and then we get our romantic jdorama scene of Ikumi helping Masashi out at his bento shop. He buys her dinner as thanks, confesses and gets turned down because she already has a boyfriend. 

I won't list of every scene but basically every shot in episode 4 had a purpose or two. For example the scene establishing that Masashi can't forget Ikumi as he eats nikogori at the diner while Rumi talks to two other patrons about her confidence and strong sense of self worth while the two chide that her new love interest is only buttering her up. A short scene that establishes Masashi's turmoil after he learns the truth and Rumi chatter implies the issues that nag at Masahi and Ikumi's thoughts.

Gotta love that scene after Ikumi declares to the master that she is going to graduate and wonders whether she can return to her original self. We had Ikumi scrubbing down the inflatable bed with the awesome sad music playing in the background and no stupid sign telling the audience what a great metaphor it was. *cough* Renai Dekinai *cough*

The last scene I want to talk about is the scene where Ikumi was hesitant about Masashi's proposal and he reiterates that it would be ok as she has broken up with her boyfriend. I love Ikumi's slow look of realisation that Masashi might know what her boyfriend was and then he gives her a nod. Beauty in simplicity. No need to spell everything out to the audience. No time fillers and useless characters that are there to push an idoru. Simple story told magnificently.

Anushka Shetty

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chidiya Ghar on SAB TV

Chidiyaghar is no zoo but a house named after Late Mrs. Chidiya Narayan, wife of retired principal, Shri Kesari Narayan. The story is about Kesari his two sons, Gomukh and Ghotak, their respective wives, Mayuri and Koel, younger son Kapi, grandchildren Gillu and Gaj, daughter Maina and son in law Tota. Coincidentally their names resemble animals as is the case of every individual bearing some or the other animal's characteristic.  Thus Chidiyaghar is a unique family comedy which is based on the premise that all humans have some or the other animal trait & its humanity that separates us from animals

There are some who're restless like monkeys and then there are others who'd have an appetite like elephants; like the head of the family Kesari would be a lion or his son Gomukh like a cow is a very simple, straight forward person who obeys his wife. Renowned actor Rajendra Gupta will be essaying the role of Kesari Narayan the patriarch of Chidiyaghar & Sumit Arora will be seen as Gomukh. Chidiyaghar will depict the basics of human values like love, respect for others, patience and the true meaning of a family and togetherness that makes us humans.

R. K. Laxman Ki Duniya – A New TV Serial of SAB TV

This TV series is based on the books and works of R.K. Laxman. The episodes and incidents would involve happenings in the life of The Common Man as depicted by Laxman over the years.
This Series would focus on the character of Common Man who is a silent spectator of marching time. Common Man, confronts India's latest heartbreak with a kind of wry resignation. Meek and silent , he's a witness to everything: scheming politicians, gossiping housewives and rapacious bureaucrats.
This character has been hugely successful because it represents us - Indians. We can identify the Common Man with all the people we come across during a day  – he can be our Doodhwala, Next door neighbor, Traffic Police, Fruit Vendor, Baniya, Office colleague, School Teacher...he can be absolutely anyone.
This TV Series aims at depicting our happiness and sorrows and our indifference towards things going around us.  

Why This Kolaveri Di Full Song Promo Video in HD

Chinna Surprise | Check out this exclusive video shot during the recording of the song with the music composer Anirudh,Dhanush,Shruti Hassan, Aishwarya and Sound Engineer Sivakumar
Courtesy -

Hatsune Miku append figure

I remember seeing this image during my first trip to Japan and thinking I've got to get this if they ever make a figure out of it!

Its been a long wait waiting for this. Preorders opened right after my second trip this year.

And.... it looks bad from the front...

and worse from a lower angle.

Looks brilliant from a 45 degree angle...

and from the side.

Back view.

I need to place it someplace lower but I'm so afraid of that protruding part of her top snapping if it falls.

Looks good from this angle which I only get if I'm standing. Look at all that dust. If I won the lottery and could afford my own place, I would buy glass cabinets to house my figures and never have to worry about dusting again.

Kind of disappointed that Miku Append only looks good from certain angles. My favourite Miku figure so far has to be the World is Mine figure. Now I've got to resist temptation to buy the Love is War figure...

The Best Christmas Present I've Ever Received - And You Can Give it Too!

Is it just me or are there any others who think the Christmas season in America (Japan too) has become an orgy of crass commercialism? Of course, that is a rhetorical question. I think most people do.

Christmas is no longer is it the heart-warming family get-together tradition of days long gone by. Christmas today has turned into a mad dash towards debt and poverty. It's not only debt and poverty concerning money and lifestyle, it is a poverty of the soul. One need only look at the news about "Black Friday" and the violence to see what Christmas in America has become. 

The only reason we celebrate Christmas at my house is that we have an 8-year-old. I could never be such a Grinch to deny a small boy Christmas.

Whatever happened to just getting together with family and friends and enjoying each others company? It's sad what has happened to the "Season to be jolly."

In that spirit though, I'd like to relate today about a great present I got when I was a kid... It is a present that I have received over and over these past 44 years. That was a wonderful present I received from a classmate of mine when I was a kid in Minnesota. His name was James Rudd and the present wasn't in a box. It was on his face and in his heart. Every time I see a box brightly wrapped as a present, I see Jim Rudd's face and that moment, the spirit of him, comes to visit me and I receive that wonderful gift yet again.

Even though I cannot transport my children into the past by use of a time machine, I want my children to know and experience the true joy of giving and receiving. Towards that end, I always try to relate to my kids the story of James Rudd.

When I was in forth grade, James Rudd, "Jim," wasn't really my good friend. He was a classmate. I am quite ashamed to admit that I think I wasn't very friendly to Jim because he was sometimes bullied by the other kids so, in order to make sure that they didn't bully me, I foolishly joined in in making fun of Jim. Jim was a down to earth dorky kind of kid that might remind you a lot of Opie Taylor from the Andy Griffith Show.

 Opie Taylor

In those days, at Christmas time, the kids in the classroom all shared in Christmas festivities by buying one present. The catch was that you didn't know who you were buying the present for! The rules were that each child could buy one gift of no more than two dollars. Each child would wrap the present and bring it to class and put it under the tree. When it came to the last day of school, before Christmas holiday, each child would draw a name out of a hat and receive the present from the person whose name they drew.

I was quite unhappy that I drew Jim Rudd's name because he wasn't "cool" and was kind of dorky (look who's talking!) I think I was so unhappy about that drawing that it showed up on my face for everyone to see.

When I went to the tree to grab the present Jim prepared, Jim came to sit in front of me at my desk. 

In those days, I was a World War II nut. I loved building plastic military models of planes, ships and tanks. Especially German tanks. I thought those were the coolest. Of course, in a class of 30 kids, with each kid buying one present to be selected at random by another child, there was no way to know what you were going to get.

To expect a King Tiger tank was probably setting myself up for a big letdown.

I got that letdown when I opened the present from Jim. It was a plastic model alright, but it was a plastic model of an old Spanish Galleon. I didn't like it at all. I am once again sad to admit that my disappointment probably greatly showed on my face even though I tried to hide it.

But then, after opening the plastic model, was when Jim Rudd gave me the present that he has been giving me every year since then. It was the present that has warmed my heart all these years. It is the story I have told my children repeatedly and am now sharing with you.

With disappointment on my face and sadness in my heart, after opening the present I looked straight into Jim eyes and he looked into mine. With the utmost sincerity and enthusiasm brimming over Jim smiled brightly to me and said, 

"Mike! I hope you like it!"

I could see from his eyes and his words that he meant it from the bottom of his soul. My heart melted and I thought, 

"Gee! What a really sweet, nice guy!"

Mere words on a paper could never express the way I felt at that time. Here was this incredibly sincere boy giving me a present (that he picked himself and thought was really cool) and was hoping that I would like it as much as he did.

He gave me something that he wanted! Not only that, he gave me sincerity, enthusiasm and a warm spirit of friendliness and a feeling that I will never forget until my dying day: With just one smile and six words, he gave me the true spirit of Christmas.

Jim Rudd, you gave me something that I have always remembered and I will never forget it. I recall it every year at every birthday party andChristmas and every gift-giving celebration. I wish I could give such a wonderful gift to someone someday.

I will cherish this memory all my life. And now, Jim, you allow me to share it with others. James Rudd, wherever you are, thank you so much sincerely from the bottom of my heart.... and Merry Christmas!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Jagjit Singh

Lata Mangeshkar

Lata Mangeshkar

Lata Mangeshkar

Lata Mangeshkar

CBS News Reports that 1/4 of All American Children are in Poverty / Homeless

This is just devastating. What has the American empire brought upon the American people? 16 million children in poverty. Almost 25% homeless.

Not only have the cheerleaders for war and economic bailouts and thievery of the USA brought upon themselves a true hell, it's a hell that's not going to end anytime soon.

This is a gut wrenching video. How could this have happened to the richest country in the world? This just makes me cry. Those poor people!

The timing of this show just drops my jaw. I had just posted a few days ago about the rapid decline of the USA and how people were leaving. Please refer to: People Leaving the USA? The Trickle Becoming a Flood? It's Like 1939 Again.

Sachin and Dhoni in a Function

Sachin Tendulkar

Sania Nehwal

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ron Paul's "Cousin" Wins in Japan! Political Good Old Boys Get Trounced in Osaka Election!

Ron Paul's real cousin didn't win in Japan, but his "ideological cousin" did. What happened in Japan, and what is happening the world over bids well for Ron Paul and candidates who want to tear down the massive Leviathan of government and restore the constitution and get things back to the way they used to be and the way they were meant to be. Read on!

In Osaka, a minor party candidate defeated one that was supported by both the major parties in a mayoral election. Can you imagine that? Talk about David versus Goliath! Read that again: A minor candidate defeated one that was supported by both major parties!

The smell of revival and revolution is in the air! The updated election results are in and the winner received over 60% of the total votes, but here's an article in English for you about it before the election results were posted.

The Mainichi Daily News Reports:

Ex-Gov Hashimoto assured of Victory in Osaka Mayoral Election

OSAKA (Kyodo) -- Former Osaka Gov. Toru Hashimoto is assured of victory in a contest Sunday for the mayoral post in Osaka, Japan's second-largest business center, by defeating incumbent Kunio Hiramatsu, as Hashimoto won support for his proposal to establish an Osaka metropolis with an administrative structure similar to Tokyo's, according to Kyodo News projections.

In a gubernatorial election held the same day to choose the successor to Hashimoto, 42, Ichiro Matsui, a 47-year-old former Osaka prefectural assembly member and Hashimoto's close aide in a local party led by the former governor, is set to win by beating six rivals in the race.

With the two from the Osaka Restoration Association headed toward victory, the election results are expected to stir a national debate on the structure of regional governments in Japan and influence the strategies of major political parties in the next House of Representatives election.

Hiramatsu, 63, who ran for reelection as an independent, was backed by local chapters of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan and the main opposition Liberal Democratic Party. Osaka prefectural assembly members of the two parties also supported Kaoru Kurata, 63, former mayor of Ikeda in Osaka Prefecture, in the gubernatorial race.
In the double election, the first held in Osaka in 40 years, Hashimoto's proposal to launch an Osaka metropolis by 2015 was highlighted as the most controversial issue.
The outspoken lawyer-turned-politician argued that his idea will eliminate overlapping administrative services by the prefectural and municipal governments and lead to the rehabilitation of the ailing local economy, with Matsui pushing the proposal in the gubernatorial election.
In contrast, Hiramatsu, a former TV anchorman, opposed the plan, saying administrative efficiency should be improved through the cooperation of each municipality.

Get that? One guy wanted to keep the old system and "improve" it. The other guy wanted to slash that system. The guy who wanted the big cuts in government spending, Hashimoto, won. 

Mr. Hashimoto is the new breed of politician that has arisen in these last few years who is sick and tired of the business as usual, meet the new boss, same as the old boss, school of politics that we have been subjected to for all these years. He is young, passionate and he loves Osaka. He kind of reminds me of Chris Christy (before he went out and endorsed Romney!) He is considered a radical by the old school politicians and political parties as he is trying to actually trim down the size of government - not "reform" it by creating new branches and committees. Hashimoto, in spite of his flaws, is fighting corruption and old boy BS. So, far, many say he's doing a great job. 

In Japan, waste of taxpayer's monies is astounding and gets worse with each new elected official. This has got to stop! (Japan's total debt is 492% of GDP!)  For example, in the area,  there are separate water treatment plants in Osaka. One run by the city and another run by the ward (borough). Their services overlap and waste millions annually. Doesn't make any sense that there can't be just one. The examples of this sort of thing are too numerous to list up. Hashimoto is trying to cut this kind of ridiculous waste. 
The guy he defeated in the race, Hiramatsu, is the epitome of what is wrong with politicians in Japan.
The other point about the majors supporting Hiramatsu and yet still losing losing isn't precedent setting, It's been happening recently in Japan as some people are getting fed up. Minor party candidates have been doing well recently. Independents are growing stronger.

So, Ron Paul didn't win in Japan, but his Japanese Cousin did. This bodes well for Ron Paul and reformer politicians all over the world. If they can win in Japan's staid political arena, they can win anywhere in the world! 

HHH The wwe superstar

HHH is one the best wwe super start in the history of wwe

The Great Khali | WWE Superstar

John Cena | WWE superstar

Beautiful Photograph of Girl near Waterfall

Beautiful Photograph of Girl near Waterfall

Beautiful Photograph of Girl near Waterfall

Beautiful Photograph of Girl near Waterfall

Beautiful Photograph of Girl near Waterfall

Beautiful Eye

Beautiful Eye
Koi Ankhon Se Baat Kar Leta Hai
Koi Ankhon Mein Mulakat Kar Leta Hai
Bada Mushkil Hota Hai Jawab Dena
Jab Koi Khamosh Rehkar Sawaal Kar Leta Hai

Watashi ga renai dekinai riyuu eps 3-6


The fourth episode is written as if a child suddenly discovered what a metaphor was and decided to litter a whole episode with it thinking what a genius the writer was. Not only did episode 4 have 101 words of dialogue mentioning wounds and how to heal them, the writer decided it would be a good idea to attack a flashing neon light pointing to the inspired genius of having the peeled paint as a metaphor for the girls' wounds and have them paint over it in the end as a symbolic ceremony of overstatement.

In other words, episode 4 is like beating a dead horse with another dead horse. Someone forgot to tell the writer that metaphors are supposed to be subtle, its existence never declared but felt by the viewer. By non-stop hammering a nail that had already gone in through a whole episode, the metaphor had ceased to be one and every ounce of dialogue became unnatural with the purpose of cramming a single point down the viewer's throat.


I remember reading at Tokyohive that this is a true to life dorama about women.  Yet, here we are with a story featuring a poor light technician having difficulty marrying the wealthy daughter of doctor because.... *drum roll* the father wants a son-in-law doctor to take over the clinic and says the daughter can never be happy marrying a non-elite. Hhhhmm, something doesn't smell true to life to me. Did I somehow miss the fact that this dorama is set in the 1980s or perhaps I am ignorant as to the fact that such real life issues plague the poor women of Japan today.


Best character and best storyline of the series. The whole thing makes too much sense and doesn't play out like a soap opera. *cough* Karina *cough* Takumi has been married to this successful woman, Izumi and is dependent on her for his business to survive. They have a living arrangement where for her, job is no.1. Basically they are not in a relationship of need or rather he needs her for to get more work.

Suddenly Izumi turns around and decides by herself that she suddenly wants to take on a huge mortgage and the financial millstone which are kids. So Takumi, who has been living his life perfectly fine is like 'wtf do you want from me??!!!.  I've lived my life according to your whims and suddenly you change them at the drop of a hat.'

So Takumi meets Saki (Yoshitaka Yuriko), a lovely angel who tempts the stoutest of hearts but more importantly there is a relationship of need. He is able to counsel and encourage Saki and that makes Takumi feel more alive than his drab life with Izumi. They somehow connect on their similar desires to escape their current life.

Now that Takumi has found out that he's shooting blanks, he cleverly uses it as a sob story on Saki and he has got the perfect reason to break up with Izumi. For the love of all that is holy, please do not let this end in the everyone goes their separate ways and proclaim that they have become stronger ending.


She feels less like a character and more like random plot stories that the writer wants to use. Sister sleeps with colleague that Yuko likes and then she gets involved with this possessive guy that she tries too hard to please. Yuko complains that she doesn't feel anything but pain during sex and the only counsel Karina and Saki have is 'have you told him?'. I was waiting for 'maybe you should try using lubricants' or 'you sure he's going in the right hole?'.

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